20 random facts about The Introverted Mama…..

So I figured some of you might be interested to learn a little more about the person behind “The Introverted Mama” and what makes her tick 😉 We all have experiences, family and little nuances in our personality that make us unique. Our children old experiences, family, where we grew up etc…… So here’s 20Continue reading “20 random facts about The Introverted Mama…..”

More than a teenage mum….

Mamas, how old were you when you had your first child? My journey to motherhood begun at the tender age of 18. The experience of having a child when I had only just entered into the realm of adulthood but still classed as a teenager and the turn of events after changed me and myContinue reading “More than a teenage mum….”

Marriage: a work in progress

Do you use Valentine’s Day as a day to show your partner how much you love them? Will you be spending money on a card? Gifts? A meal? A night out? You know there’s nothing wrong with making a special effort one day of the year to show your partner how special they are asContinue reading “Marriage: a work in progress”

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